Sunday, October 10, 2010

Blog #14

Sante uses his arguments about secrecy and examples of the breakdowns of secrets (Soviet Union, the media, and the internet) to explain to us that our society thrives off of secrets. Secrecy has become an extremely important part of American culture. I think people are constantly searching for secrets because it gives them the satisfaction of knowing something that other people don’t have a clue about. It is a feeling of being better than one another.

I do agree that the internet is a “nemesis” to secrecy. The famous people throughout the world are constantly having every aspect of their lives in the public eye…there is always an article or picture of something supposedly going on in their life. But the internet doesn’t only invade these famous people’s secrecy. Social Networking Sites, like MySpace or Facebook, create situations for the average person to invade the secrecy of others as well as put every detail of their life on blast to the whole entire world in a matter of seconds. I understand that it is the person’s choice to choose what to and what not to put on these social networking sites, but our society has created such a demand for these things that most people don’t even think twice about the fact that they are diminishing their own secrets post by post.

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