Friday, January 28, 2011

Blog #1

When I was working on my blog, the cord got unplugged and I lost all my work... I will rewrite it after school and add the rest of my 450 words. Hope that is ok.

In Turgenev’s essay, he uses a strong tone, vivid purpose, and an inside point of view to validate his argument concerning capital punishment. He describes the construction of the guillotine, the narrator’s thoughts during the final minute of the execution, his tortured, and his guilty thoughts that he is witnessing another murder because he wants to supply people who are opposed to capital punishment and public executions with evidence in great detail.
He uses many persuasive words to make the reader think about their view on capital punishment. I didn't find very many weaknesses in his writing... It sure got me to think about my own view on capital punishment. After reading his essay, I understand where he is coming from. The whole mentality of killing the people who killed others makes more murderers in our world. It does seem brutal, but with our present economy, I kind of think that capital punishment wouldn't be so bad for the people sentenced to life imprisonment. It would save space, food, and money to have them gone. It probably sounds inhumane but it could be logical in some senses. 

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